You are able to give your team members or people who work in your organisation access to your Paystack Dashboard without having to share the same login details. This will help different team members get the data they need to work without any blockers, improving productivity. Moreover, you can restrict how much information they have access to and how much control they have on the dashboard.
How do I go about adding a new team member?
- First, go to the Team tab of your dashboard settings.
- When here, click on the 'Invite Team Member' button near the top left of the page. The invite teammate modal will appear as shown below.
- Provide us with the email address of the team member and also select one of our predefined roles. You can also check a box to confirm if the team member is a developer.
- Click 'Invite Team Member' to send an invitation email to this person. When they click on this email, they'll be added to your business.
If there's already a user account associated with that email address, your business will be added to the list of businesses they have access to on Paystack. If they don't have a Paystack account, they'll be invited to create a password before they can access your business.
How do I customise team member roles?
We have created 5 default roles that you can assign to your team members. However, if you want to create a custom role for a team member, you can do so from the Team tab. Here are a few steps to doing this.
- When on the Team tab select Manage Roles.
- This will take you to a page that breaks down all the permissions for our default roles and gives you the option to 'Create a custom role', click on this, as illustrated below:
- When you choose to create a custom role, you'll have to enter the name of the role, enter a brief description and select the new role's permissions.
For more information on what permissions can do, please refer to: What can my team do on the Paystack Dashboard? - When you are done setting the permissions, scroll to the bottom of the modal and click on 'Create Role'.
Once this role has been created, it would appear under the list of roles you can assign to new and existing team members. All you need to do is add someone new to this role or change the role of an existing team member.
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